Barbara Simmons
My growth in Jesus as my Lord and Savior has been exciting over the many years I have been here at COV. Spurred on by Christian leadership and through the many years of beautiful music proclaiming His greatness, I have (and will continue) to grow into His likeness. It’s always humbling to know I still have so much to learn!
From childhood on I was blessed to attend summer Christian camps. God used that time to draw me to Himself, and I see those summers as the beginning of my relationship with Christ. Through the years it has amazed me how that relationship continues to grow. Life is so meaningful when Jesus is the Lord of your life!
I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from the Institute of Music in San Jose; I also studied organ with Harold Mueller in San Francisco and Herbert Nanney at Stanford. Since February of 1955, I have had the joy of being the church organist at COV. The Lord has blessed and challenged me through these years in difficult and positive experiences, but music has always been a constant reminder pointing me back to Him.